
IRS Spam

I know that we are all getting pretty savvy about ridiculous phishing emails, but just as a public service, I am posting this recent one that apparently a lot of people fall for. I have to hand it to the authors, it's clever.

In case there is any confusion: This is not real. The IRS will never contact you via email, even if you e-file. And you don't have to fill out any forms to get your rebate (or your refund), other than filing your taxes.

Click here if you want to report some IRS spam of your own.


Anonymous,  Tue Apr 22, 04:13:00 PM EDT  

Thanks so much for posting this helpful link, you are a doll.
I clicked on the link and I was directed to the IRS. All I had to do was give them my bank information and now I will get my rebate check deposited directly into my checking account.
I love technology!

One Cheer Tue Apr 22, 04:22:00 PM EDT  

Very funny. Everybody's a comedian.

Unknown Fri May 09, 12:21:00 PM EDT  

We got a letter from the district attorney, telling us the process for getting a check:
1) File your tax return.
2) Wait for money.

Now I'm wondering if there's a seekrit Monty Python fan lurking in our district attorney's office, channeling John Cleese. "Rule No. 6. There is No! Rule! Six!"

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