Television is the New Radio
Back when 102.7 FM in New York was WNEW, back when Vin Skelsa and Tony Morrera did the overnight and back when WNEW had no play list, leaving DJs to play pretty much whatever they wanted when they wanted (as long as it was some kind of "rock," I guess), it was not uncommon for someone like the aforementioned Vin Skelsa to hear a record, like it, and put it on the air, maybe even just ten minutes later.
Craig Ferguson just pulled a Vin Skelsa.
Heard a group singing out in the corridor earlier in the day (or the equivalent of a corridor -- he wasn't clear on this, really), liked them, and had them on his show tonight.
They were three singers who called themselves LS3. They sang acapella, and were terrific.
This was just so extraordinarily cool, hopefully someone will post it on YouTube so I can link it here.