
When Technology Fails

I got a text message this morning from a friend of mine.

"Stoopid [sic] question. Do you have [my ex husband's] cell number?"

I called her back to tell her I couldn't find it, and she explained that the problem was she was heading over to pick up a few of her things that were still in the apartment, and the buzzer wasn't working. She was supposed to call him when she got there... except....

"Wait a minute," she said, "Did we have land line?"

"You don't remember if you had a land line? You were married.... you were living there... "

"Wait. I think he had a phone in his home office. Let me try this one."

Nope. Disconnected.

I was instructed to send him an email to tell him that she would be outside of his building at the designated time, and that he should either call her, or just let her in.

I got a call an hour later. He hadn't gotten the email (because, of course, he wasn't looking for it), so she had resorted to screaming his name from the street.

He buzzed her in. Problem solved.


Anonymous,  Sun Mar 29, 05:19:00 AM EDT  

ZurichMike says: You can't make up this stuff. Too funny. Sounds like a modern, updated scene from "The Goodbye Girl".

Ward of the State Tue Apr 28, 12:53:00 AM EDT  

The old "yell up from the street" way of communicating. I used to get it all the time from my PR buddies at midnight. "Hey Allan, What you doing, yo?"

Then I'd turn out the lights and ignore them.

Unless it was Richie Ortiz, of course.

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