And the Pendulum Swings

I can't help seeing a parallel between our new president and our hero of last week, Captain Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger. The captain landed a plane that would most certainly have crashed and caused a terrible tragedy. He was exactly the right man for the job, and as luck would have it, he happened to be right where he was needed, at the moment he was needed.
Many of us feel our country is like that plane, in serous danger of a crash landing. Here's hoping that Barack Obama is indeed the right man for the job, as a lot of us think he truly is, and that he lands our plane heroically.
Note to Rush Limbaugh, who was quoted today saying he hopes President Obama fails: Shame on you. And you call yourself a patriot.
Many of us feel our country is like that plane, in serous danger of a crash landing. Here's hoping that Barack Obama is indeed the right man for the job, as a lot of us think he truly is, and that he lands our plane heroically.
Note to Rush Limbaugh, who was quoted today saying he hopes President Obama fails: Shame on you. And you call yourself a patriot.
I looked up patriot in Rush Limbaugh's dictionary and look what I found:
Patriot /ˈæsˌhoʊl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [as-hohl] Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun Vulgar. 1. anus.
2. Slang. a. a stupid, mean, or contemptible person.
b. the worst part of a place or thing.
–adjective 3. Slang. stupid, mean, or contemptible.
1350–1400; ME arshole anus; see ass 2 , hole
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